Kids, Crafts, and Critters

Soap Making with Happy Goat

Rotary Reading Bus Visits

Family Days

Petting Zoos

Coopersville Farm Museum and Event Center provides stones for decorating along with some supplies.  Look around the museum for decorated rocks/stones.  Find them, hide them elsewhere for someone else to find!  Have fun!

Kids, Crafts, and Critters is held the last Saturday of most months from 10am - 1pm.  Please check for updated schedules by calling 616-997-8555. 


It is a youth lead and youth run project giving young people the opportunity to learn and grow as leaders. 


Kids, Crafts, and Critters may offer visitors to experience interaction with small and baby farm animals (animals are NOT guaranteed to be at every event), learn new crafts, use old fashioned tools, create, play, and have fun!  


The youth volunteers will teach you something new every Kid's Day!  Fun for everyone!

Please contact  Lee Ann if you'd like to bring in your animal for one of our Kid's Days.  What a great way to do some fun community service while interacting with friends and meeting new ones! 

email or call (616) 997-8555. 

Tayla Modderman explains that calves explore by licking things!